Hooray for Alternative Gifts!
Options for special occasions, Vacation Bible School, Mother's Day and more!
New Community Project is all about giving people good options -
from girls wanting to go to school rather than a sweatshop, to women
looking for skills training to help them reach their potential, to planting
trees and protecting forests to give nature - and us - a chance to thrive.
Same with our network - what are good alternatives when it comes to
showing appreciation for the people you care about? Or when looking for a special
project for a class, a club, Vacation Bible School or other event? We have a few ideas!
- Every $1 plants 10 trees in Africa or Asia; $2 plants a mangrove sapling in Borneo
- NCP's Give a Girl a Chance fund supports girls' education in Myanmar, Nepal, Congo,
South Sudan, Rwanda and Malawi. For example, here are the costs to educate a girl in the
DR Congo: $100: year's scholarship Shoes/backpack with supplies: $15/$35 Food: $50
Hygienic materials: $36
Print your own gift card from this file!
- In Nepal $200 keeps a girl from a Chepang ethnic village in the
mountains of southern Nepal in secondary school for a year.
Otherwise, finished with school after fifth grade, they are vulnerable
to early marriage (as young as 13 or 14) or even being trafficked.
They'll still walk seven hours roundtrip up and down the mountain
to school, but they're happy to do their part for a brighter future.
[Youth-friendly Powerpoint and script telling their story!]
- $40-$500 provides a microloan for a woman in Myanmar, Nepal, South Sudan or Congo
to start a small business (of course any amount is welcome, as we add it in with all other
contributions and then send the requested amount to our partners for distribution to the
women's groups)
- $80 buys a sheep for a Batwa (pygmy) woman in Rwanda - and she'll share an offspring
with a neighbor!
- $200 gets a bike ($160) and a scholarship ($40) for a girl in Malawi who lives 14 miles
from high school
- $75 pays our share of a sewing machine for a tailoring course graduate in Congo, South
Sudan or Rwanda (the grad kicks in $75 too)
- give a general gift to our Two (!) Million Tree Campaign or to Give a Girl a Chance
(If it's for an individual, pick one or more of the items above, let us know what you
want to give to whom by when, and we'll send them a gift card or send you a card
to give them - or print your own card from this file! If for a group special collection,
let us know and we can provide promo materials.)
Payment method is your choice: pay on the Donate page of the website, Core budget tab (there's also a Venmo option there), or send a check to NCP, 117 Nature Road, Blue Ridge, VA 24064. As always, 100 percent of donations to our Special Projects go to the programs themselves - indeed!
And there are always our cool NCP t-shirts - stylin' while promotin' an alternative world!
Samples below - varied colors and sizes available. $15 short-sleeved, $20 long-sleeved
(includes shipping). Check out the NCP Store page.