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Resources for Faith Communities

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Inspire - Educate - Empower


New Community Project provides resources and opportunities to inspire, educate and empower faith communities and their members.


  • Many congregations donate regularly to NCP or choose us as a month's offering recipient.                                                                Here are some short summaries of our ministries for bulletins or newsletters.

  • Our Learning Tours offer transformative encounters with God’s creation and our neighbors                                                              on four continents. These experiences are for all ages, and move participants to deeper                                                        concern for justice and the well-being of our earth.

  • The Students for Change page gives youth lots of ways to act on their faith by healing                                                            creation and helping our neighbors.

  • Needing weekly or monthly blurbs to share with your group to educate and activate?                                                                  Here are eco-facts on plastic, fast fashion and overall consumption. Here's a thoughtful                                                                   article on the culture of dissatisfaction that keeps us thinking we need more stuff to be                                                           somebody.

  • Got that Sabbatical coming up? How about a Learning Tour - or a little deeper into matters of                                                  justice, earth care and the process of change by checking out dozens of titles on our Reading List

  • Worship resources from short readings to longer skits can bring humor and poignancy                                                                    to important themes of our faith.

  • Special Projects supporting girls’ education, women’s empowerment and reforestation                                                                   are tailor-made for holiday offering emphases, Sunday School classes, women’s groups,                                                                or Vacation Bible School. And we send 100 percent of contributions to the programs                                                                       themselves – really!                                            Promo video for Give a Girl a Chance! >

  • NCP regularly offers a fall campaign that welcomes congregational support which previously included                                            She Has a Dream and A Place of Their Own. We post these on the home page. 

  • Speakers – we got ‘em! Invite NCP staff in for Sunday mornings, weekend retreats, camp programs or other settings.                     We can present on themes ranging from the challenges facing God's children around the world (child workers,                            human trafficking, poverty, environmental threats, native communities, etc.) and the creation (species extinction,                      habitat loss, climate change, simple living, etc.). We’re cheap, knowledgeable and occasionally funny :)

  • Our Sustainable Living Centers in VA and VT put our principles into practice and welcome visitors,                                                  work groups, and longer-term interns (a great option for young adults – or others – looking for the meaning of life).

  • The attached documents offer some ready-to-use materials for promoting NCP in a congregational setting.


Like you, we’re a small organization with a Big Goal – to change the world. Together, we can make a difference!

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New Community Project

...turning the world upside down...

​David Radcliff - Director

​540-855-1199 cell

844-804-2985 toll-free





New Community Project

117 Nature Road

Blue Ridge, VA 24064



Sustainable Living Centers

Tom Benevento - Coordinator

Harrisonburg, VA 



Pete Antos-Ketcham - Coordinator 

Starksboro, VT 



NCP is a 501c3 tax exempt nonprofit organization registered in Arizona.

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Building a new community of justice and peace

for our neighbors and respect for the earth.

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