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NCP 2024 fall campaign:

Rest in Peace



The NCP network raised over $35,000 to build Queensland girls school in Nimule, South Sudan ten years ago. Now, with over 700 students attending there as day or boarding students and more hoping to enroll, it is bursting at the seams. It's to the point that our partner, Agnes Amileto, tells us more dormitory space is desperately needed: 300 more beds, to be exact, at a cost of $30,000. 

                       - raised so far: $3,320 (plus 25 percent bonus gift, see below) -

Currently the school has around 500 girls living in dormitories. According to Agnes, those still needing a bed include:

- girls who are refugees from war-torn Sudan, the northern neighbor of South Sudan

- those from South Sudan fleeing violence in their home areas, as well as cultural

and gender barriers, such as when girls are seen as an economic asset to be married

off at an early age in order for her family to receive the bridal price from the groom 

(who may be older and already have several wives)

- some whose families have returned from being refugees in Uganda, but find their

land occupied by other tribes

- and students already living in a dorm on campus, but have to share a single bed

with another girl due to over-crowding


​Many of the refugee girls are living in a former refugee camp about 10 miles from the school. Those who can afford to do so take a boda boda (small local taxi) to get there each day - but many others have to walk. Either way, it's time and/or money consuming, and keeps them from being fully immersed in school life as

on-campus students.


So our partner has reached out to us with a plea for the new three-room dormitory with 100 three-high metal bunk beds (300 beds total) at the cost of $30,000. We took this on as our fall campaign, and we're calling it Rest in Peace, as many of the girls are fleeing violence and they also just need a place to sleep in peace on campus. 


This comes out to about $100 per girl. Would you, your class, your congregation,

your club take on one or more girls to give them a place where they can rest in

peace at night right there on the school campus? To boost your impact, we are

offering up some matching funds given by a donor that will increase every

contribution by 25 percent.


Donations can be made at the Core Budget tab on the Donate page of our website,

by mail to NCP, 117 Nature Road, Blue Ridge, VA 24064, or using the tab below.



As always, 100 percent of donations to our Special Projects go to the programs


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We met Lona, Ayak, Idia and Fahista on our 2023 Learning Tour. They came to Queensland from over 200 miles away, fleeing violence and gender bias, and receive scholarships from our Give a Girl a Chance fund. Lona is now the top student in this entire state of South Sudan. 

Some of the girls needing a bed (Agnes Amileto photo)

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