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Two (!) Million Tree Campaign
Part of NCP's If a Tree Falls... program



"With your help, we have planted 67,099 trees in the past three years," they told us on our visit to Malawi in May 2022 - but who's counting... :)


Half the world's forests are already gone. And without out them, our world is hotter, drier, with more floods and erosion, and there is less oxygen, habitat, beauty & birds! And there is more carbon dioxide in

the atmosphere, as deforestation is a major cause of climate change. Yet here we learn that

the world's forests still store up more carbon - over 7 billion tons - than the US emits annually. 


All this is why New Community Project launched our Million Tree Campaign on Earth Day 2019.

And thanks to the support of our network and tree-planting efforts of our partners, we've now 

raised our 10-year goal to TWO Million Trees! It's all part of our overall If a Tree Falls... program

and is designed to up our game in response to the looming specter of climate change and

on-going destruction of the world's forests, even as the number of living creatures on earth

continues to drop precipitously as their forest homes disappear.  




What will be planted where? In Congo (photo), our partners will plant mango, avocado,

oranges and other fruit trees for food and to sell, eucalyptus and acacia for firewood

and building material, and moringa trees for medicines. They are aiming for 10,000

trees this year.


Jackfruit and avocado are planted for food by our co-worker Jimmy Zan in Myanmar, and

pin sein for firewood (limbs grow back after being cut off, plus it has a beautiful blossom).

Many trees there are planted along roads in the hill areas to stop erosion. We sent Jimmy

$600 this year - he'll plant 6000 trees by gathering seeds and scavenging avocado pits 

from local restaurants. 


In Malawi (see video at right!) we are working with our partner

Creative Solutions for the Environment to create forests with a mix of medicinal and fruit

trees, nitrogen-fixing trees, and firewood trees - and to mitigate climate change. "With your help,

we have planted 67,099 trees in the past three years," they told us on our visit to one

community in May 2022 - but who's counting... :)


In South Sudan the focus is on trees like jackfruit, moringa, teak, and some for firewood. And rain.

Paskwale Ben tells us he's planting "rainforest": "If we plant trees, the rains return," he says. 

Through his site and two others, NCP is the leading reforestation group in this entire region

of South Sudan. 


In the Ecuadorian Amazon we are supporting native communities 

who are fighting off timber harvesting, oil companies, and

palm oil plantations, while engaged in planting indigenous trees

in areas where they've been logged. One partner is a Shuar community along

the Aguarico River. Several generations ago, they were known to be

head-shrinkers - now they are tree planters. Our grant provides funds for 

reforestation as well as environmental education in the local school. Here, the 

PTA chairman poses with two students with one of the trees they planted.


We're beginning work in Nepal, where our partner, anti-trafficking organization

Shakti Samuha, tells us “Climate change leads to instability and instability increases

trafficking." In a delivery to mountainous Sindhupalchowk, nine trafficking survivors

received three types of fruit plants—Lemon, Orange, and Walnut—along with two plants

aimed at enhancing oxygen levels and the environment, namely Prosopis

Cineraria (Sami) and Camphor (Kapur). Similarly, in Hetauda, nine members were

provided five types of fruit plants—Litchi, Mango, Lemon, Avocado, and Indian

Gooseberry (Amala)—as well as two additional plants, Cinnamon Leaf (Tejpatta)

and Dhupi (Not got the exact English word for this) . The cost of these plants varies,

with prices ranging from Rs. 150 ($1.15) to Rs. 450.


In Borneowe're now working with the forestry department and

community nurseries to restore mangroves in areas where oil palm

plantations have destroyed them as well as forested areas that

have suffered the same fate. Read all about the mangrove

initiative at Mangroves to the Rescue!


Help us create habitat, food, medicines, shade, rain - and safety!

Your contribution can also offset your carbon emissions - a tree in the

tropics takes in around 50 pounds of carbon every year! And these trees will just make our world beautifuller :)




​$1 plants 10 trees

10 trees absorb 500 pounds of CO2 per year


or $1 plants 2 mangrove trees

2 mangrove trees (and offshoots) and the soil beneath them store 1000 pounds of CO2 

Make a difference – plant trees! 

Send donations to NCP at our VA address, or here:






Get your club, congregation or school group involved.

As with all our Special Projects, 100% of donations go to the programs - really!


Click the "W" to:

Download this awesome Skit 






Campaign Poster







Here's an album with photos and stories.





congo girls planting trees.jpg

Video highlights of NCP reforestation efforts


10 cents plants a tree in many areas where we work!

tree planting.jpg
NCP Logo clip art.png

New Community Project

...turning the world upside down...

​David Radcliff - Director

​540-855-1199 cell

844-804-2985 toll-free





New Community Project

117 Nature Road

Blue Ridge, VA 24064



Sustainable Living Centers

Tom Benevento - Coordinator

Harrisonburg, VA 



Pete Antos-Ketcham - Coordinator 

Starksboro, VT 



NCP is a 501c3 tax exempt nonprofit organization registered in Arizona.

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Building a new community of justice and peace

for our neighbors and respect for the earth.

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